How would you like to add your work experience?

Add it in just a few clicks to set the solid foundation for your application

Use LinkedIn
Paste a link to your LinkedIn profile below
Please wait while our artificial intelligence processes the information from your resume
All done
Your linkidin profile has been
successfully added
We couldn't export your LinkedIn profile
But no worries! You can use other options to add your work experience. Just choose the one that works best for you below.
Write skills
⚡ Pro tip:

Just copy and paste your experience from your LinkedIn profile.

Ideally, it should contains:
• Soft skill
• Hard skill
• Companies / Projects names
• Technologies / Software
• Achievements

  • Have __ years of work experience
  • Worked for __ companies or __ clients
  • Use __ technologies and __ software
  • Have a __ degree from __ college
  • Can manage a team of up to __ people
  • Achieved __ numeric results
Recent job
Recent job
Contact details
Contact details

{{ fname }} {{ flastname }}

{{ femail }}

{{ phone }}

{{ address }}

⚡ Pro tip:

Open the vacancy page.
Skip the long company or benefit descriptions.
Copy and paste here just the sections including:

• Job requirements (qualifications needed)
• Job responsibilities (what you will do)

AI is processing your resume...
Job Details
Job Details

Select a template

You can change it anytime while editing your cover letter

Enter your contact details

Add your name

Add your name and email, and we'll craft your custom cover letter

You made a great template selection! Now let's add your name to it.

Share your dream job details

Add the position to get the basic letter

Our AI will tailor your cover letter to the position you're applying for

Add the positions to get the basic letter or past full job details to get a customized letter

Add your work experience

Upload your resume, link your LinkedIn, or enter your skills manually

Give a few main facts of your experience like past position, company names, education or skills

⚡ Pro tip:

You can write your experience manually -OR- you can switch to uploading your resume document.

Use LinkedIn
Paste a link to your LinkedIn profile below
Please wait while our artificial intelligence processes the information from your resume
All done
Your linkidin profile has been
successfully added
Something went wrong
We were unable to retrieve data from your Linkedin profile, please check your privacy settings and try again
Try again
Upload СV
Resume uploaded!
Opps, have another try
Uploading file...
Click to upload and attach files PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, ODT (max. 10Mb)

Where is my link to LinkedIn profile?

  1. Tap your profile photo
  2. Tap View profile
  3. Tap on the ••• More icon next to Add section button
  4. Tap Contact info
  5. Under the Your Profile section, locate your public profile URL:
  6. Copy and paste this link
  1. Tap your profile photo
  2. Scroll down to the Contact section
  3. Under LinkedIn, locate your public profile URL. It'll be an address that starts with:
  4. Copy and paste this link
Gathering key job requirements
Reviewing your resume for skills and accomplishments
Matching your experience with the job criteria
Writing a cover letter that highlights how your skills fit the role
Stand out: We tailor cover letters to specific job roles
Get hired: We match your most relevant skills to the job
Save time: We generate custom cover letters in 30 sec